Minute 09

 Minute 09 (by Alica Lange)

Minute 9 – Explanatory Note

I watched the video and of course my first thought was "oh camels". And desert. A lot of desert. Then I watched it again and again. And again. And each time I had new thoughts. Each time, more concepts came to mind, things you could see, things you might have been able to see and feel in real life when the video was shot.

That showed me once again how we often consume media and videos today. Some example for this are social media platforms like Instagram or TikTok. You watch a thirty-second video and scroll on and on and on and consume and watch one video after the other without really perceiving the individual videos and letting them have an effect on you in depth.

That exactly was my thought with my video. I stretched that one minute, which was already slowed down anyway, to 7 minutes – to simply take the time in our fast-moving world to look at the video properly, to take the chance to pay attention to details, to put yourself in the situation and not just look at it superficially.

I can't explain exactly how this came about for me, but the more I engaged with the video, the more "alive" it became. When I paid attention to the sky, for example, suddenly there was no longer just a black and white video, but a blue radiant sky. The sand, the small grains, the warm sun burning on the skin, the camels and the people traveling and trading, to whom the road might seem endless, who might be thirsty in the heat, who would be grateful for water or a spring.

So what I wanted to try with my video was that we look at a video again more consciously, go into detail, recognize the diversity that is in a seemingly so simple black and white video… And simply escape and counteract the fast pace of time and consciously consume media.

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